Experienced Statistics, Rstudio and SPSS Tutor - Toronto

Experienced Statistics, Rstudio and SPSS Tutor

******Updated December 6, 2021*******

University of British Columbia science graduate with PhD degree and more than 15 years teaching and research experience offers tutoring in undergraduate and graduate level university courses pertaining to statistics, data analysis, and statistical programming using Rstudio or SPSS.

Anyone taking undergraduate or graduate level courses in Statistics, Biostatistics, Business Statistics, Behavioral Statistics, Medical Statistics, Health Statistics, Engineering Statistics, and Social Science statistics is welcome to approach me for tutoring help. I can also help with your statistics and statistical programming assignments and projects.

I have tutored statistics and statistical programming to students across Canada. My students are from eclectic academic backgrounds including computer science, cognitive science, life science, data science, economics, business, medicine, public health, biotechnology, psychology, kinesiology, linguistics, political science, international relations, nutrition, sociology, nursing, forestry, criminology, and engineering.

I have a distinct teaching methodology which will enable you to master your course material quickly and efficiently and instill confidence in you.

I charge $35 per hour for tutoring statistics and statistical programming.

Courses I have tutored so far include:

(1) University of Toronto
STA215, Introduction to Applied Statistics
STA220, The Practice of Statistics I
STA247, Probability with Computer Applications
STA256, Probability and Statistics I
STA258, Statistics with Applied Probability
CCT226H5F, Data Analysis I
POL222, Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning I
POL232, Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning II
BTC1859H, Data Science in Health I *
MGEB11H3F, Quantitative Methods in Economics I
IRE2004H, Data Analytics & Metrics for IR/HR *
CRI350H1, Understanding Criminological Research
CHL5201, Biostatistics I*
PPG1004H, Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis*

(2) York University
PSYC 2020, Statistical Methods I and II
PSYC 2021, Statistical Methods I
PSYC 2022, Statistical Methods II
KINE 2050, Analysis of Data in Kinesiology
ECON 3480, Introductory Statistics for Economists II
ECON 3210, Use of Economic data
SOCI 3030, Social Statistics I
SOCI 3031, Statistics for Sociology
ADMS 2320, Quantitative Methods I
POLS 3300, Statistics for Social Sciences

(3) McMaster University
STATS 2B03, Statistical Methods for Science
LINGUIST 2DD3, Statistics for Language Research
HTHSCI 2S03, Introduction to Statistics for Nursing
eHEALTH 705, Statistics for eHealth *
BUSINESS T711, Statistics for Analytics *
HRM 702, Introduction to Biostatistics *

(4) Ryerson University
ECON 723, Applied Research Methods
CIND 123, Data Analytics: Basic Methods
ENH 440, Biostatistics
MTH 380, Probability and Statistics I
MTH 410, Statistics
QMS 202, Business Statistics II
QMS 210, Applied Statistics for Business
POG 230, Statistics and Social Science

(5) University of British Columbia
BIOT 242, Inferential Statistics and Research Methodology for Biotechnology
FRST 231, Introduction to Biometrics
BIOL 300, Fundamentals of Biostatistics
EPSE 596, Correlational Designs & Analysis*

(6) University of Waterloo
HLTH 605B, Quantitative Methods and Analysis *
ECON 221, Statistics for Economists
ECON 366, Gender and Economics**

(7) Western University
Statistics 2244B, Statistics for Science
Biology 2244B, Analysis and interpretation of Biological Data
Health Sciences 3801B, Research Methods and Analysis in the Health Sciences
Statistical Science 2035, Statistics for Business and Social Sciences

(8) University of Guelph
STAT 2040, Statistics I
STAT 2050, Statistics II
STAT 3510, Environmental Risk Assessment

(9) Queens University
STAM 200, Introduction to Statistics

(10) University of Calgary
MKTG 631, Marketing Analytics*

(11) University of Victoria
PHSP 502, Public Health Biostatistics*

(12) Trent University
Mathematics 1550H, Probability I: Introduction to Probability

(13) Concordia University
COMM 215, Business Statistics

(14) University of Ottawa
ADM 2303, Statistics for Management
ADM 2304, Applications of Statistical Methods in Business

(15) Carleton University
PSYC 2002, Introduction to Statistics in Psychology

(16) University of Guelph Humber
SCMA 1000, Business Statistics
SCMA 3040, Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences

(17) Brock University
Math 1P98, Basic Statistical Methods
Psyc 2F23, Research Design

(18) Laurentian University
STAT 2066, Business Statistics

(19) University of Athabasca
MATH 215, Introduction to Statistics
MGSC 312, Statistics for Business and Economics II

(20) Niagara College
BMAT 9204, Statistical Research Concepts

(21) Red River College
Math 1020, Statistics

(22) George Brown College
STAT 1012, Business Statistics
STAT 4003, Statistics II for Analytics

(23) Sheridan College
MATH 26367, Statistical Methods

(24) Brescia University College
SOC 2205A, Statistics for Sociology

1. Courses marked with * are Graduate courses.
2. Courses marked with ** are not statistics courses per se, but do have a significant statistics component.

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